創価大学があす創立50周年 「50年の歴史」が完成、池田先生が「発刊に寄せて」贈る












 「創価の学友よ! 不二の同窓よ! 貢献と勝利の人生を、威風も堂々と飾っていってくれ給え! 永遠に私と一緒に!」(「発刊に寄せて」)


田代理事長の談話 同窓生の連帯が10万人に








Soka University's 50th Anniversary "50 Years of History" Completed, Professor Ikeda Presents "For Publication"

April 1, 2021

The great castle of human education that shines in the world

Soka University (Hachioji, Tokyo) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding on the 2nd tomorrow. In commemoration of the meaningful Kabushi, "50 Years of Soka University History" was published (not for sale), which includes the history of university construction. To this, the founder, Daisaku Ikeda, wrote and presented "For publication". This paper introduces the history and development of Kyoto tomorrow over half a century. At the same time, "For publication" will be posted separately at the top and bottom.

Published "50 Years of Soka University History" (not for sale)

Soka University opened on April 2, 1971. This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the first chairman, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, and this day is the anniversary of the death of the second chairman, Josei Toda.

The drama of Sodai Construction began with a conversation between a teacher and a pupil in a corner of the university cafeteria, which is close to the company in Nishikanda, Tokyo. On November 16, 1950, Professor Toda told his young Professor Ikeda. "For the future of humankind, we must create Soka University." "Let's make it the world's number one university!"

At that time, Professor Toda's business was in a difficult situation, but his great ideal for education was burning in his heart. The construction of a school castle that embodies Soka's pedagogy was also a long-cherished wish of Professor Makiguchi.

The concept that the mentor/teacher kept holding in his chest became a reality at the hands of Professor Ikeda.

Professor Ikeda, who became the third chairman in 1960, put his heart and soul into preparing for the construction of the university during the busy encouragement. In 1964, when he celebrated the seventh anniversary of his teacher, he officially announced the founding concept of Sodai. He visited the construction site many times, using the royalties of his writings as funds. And on April 2, 1971, Sodai finally gave birth.

Soka University campus where cherry blossoms bloom (Hachioji, Tokyo). From the "Hall of Fame for Human Education", which was sought after by the three generations of teachers and pupils, the world citizens who contributed to peace jumped out.

Since then, half a century. Professor Ikeda thoroughly valued the students and made efforts to enhance the educational environment. He paved the way for exchanges with universities around the world, and engaged in human diplomacy with intellectuals from various fields on the campus. With the endless compassion of his teacher, many peace-contribution personnel are flying into society. Soka University is now shining even more as a world-class castle for human education.

"Soka's alumni! Fuji's alumni! Give me a dignified life of contribution and victory! With me forever!" ("For publication")

Soka Gakkai's spirit of the third generation is pulsing. With this origin in mind, Soka University will fly powerfully into the future of victory.

The discourse of Deputy Chairman Ta: Solidarity of alumni reaches 100,000

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of our graduates, parents, and supporters who have sincerely supported our university, including support for the 50th-anniversary donation project.

This university is a "popular" school built and supported by the sincerity of many people who resonate with the thoughts and actions of the founder, Professor Ikeda.

Therefore, it has a mission to clear the darkness of the times of turmoil and to nurture the world citizens of value creation who will do their best for the people. This mission will never change in the future.

This spring, the solidarity of alumni, including university students, international students, graduate students, commuting students, and junior college students, has exceeded 100,000. Human resources that contribute to peace are shining in various fields.

In addition, our university's international educational program has gained high praise in recent years. In the mid-term evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Support for the Creation of Top Global University Project", we received the highest "S" evaluation twice in a row.

When looking back on the 50-year history of prosperous development, we are grateful to the founder who lost his life and founded the university.

For the next 10 years and beyond. Students, faculty and staff will work together to build a global base for human education in order to realize the founder's vision.


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